Showing 76 - 100 of 165 Results
Port-Royal Education, Saint Cyran; Arnauld; Lancelot; Nicole; de Saci; Guyot; Coustel; Fonta... by Cadet, Felix, Arnauld, Anto... ISBN: 9781354390740 List Price: $25.95
Jacqueline Pascal: Convent Life at Port Royal (Classic Reprint) by N, H., H. N. ISBN: 9781331081739 List Price: $13.57
Sister and Saint: A Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal (Classic Reprint) by Weitzel, Sophy Winthrop, So... ISBN: 9781331755661 List Price: $13.57
Port-Royal Education: Saint-Cyran; Arnauld; Lancelot; Nicole; De Saci Guyot; Coustel; Fontai... by Cadet, Felix, Felix Cadet ISBN: 9781330368701 List Price: $11.97
Jacqueline Pascal (8e d.) (French Edition) by COUSIN-V ISBN: 9782012985353 List Price: $30.95
Au dtour d'une phrase (French Edition) by Pascal Jacquelin ISBN: 9782729822781
Lettres, Opuscules Et Mmoires De Madame Perier Et De Jacqueline, Soeurs De Pascal, Et De Mar... by Gilberte Périer, Armand-Pro... ISBN: 9781274224064 List Price: $40.75
Jacqueline Pascal by Cousin, Victor ISBN: 9781142273958 List Price: $39.75
Entretiens Ou Conferences De La Reverende Mre Marie-Angelique Arnauld: Abbesse & Rformatrice... by Arnauld, Jacqueline Mar, Ar... ISBN: 9781144447333 List Price: $39.75
"Jacqueline Pascal ; la biographie" by ANDR� BORD ISBN: 9782866794958
Sister and saint A sketch of the life of Jacqueline Pascal by Sophie Winthrop Weitzel ISBN: 9785518490536 List Price: $49.95
Lettres, Opuscules Et Memoires de Madame Perier Et de Jacqueline, Soeurs de Pascal, Et de Ma... by Prosper Faugere, Jacqueline... ISBN: 9781289499389 List Price: $40.75
Sister and Saint; a Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal by Weitzel, Sophie Winthrop ISBN: 9781154848069 List Price: $20.40
Sister and Saint; A Sketch of the Life of Jacqueline Pascal by Weitzel, Sophy Winthrop ISBN: 9781117434902 List Price: $23.99
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